China Construction integrated ERP system full process application drill
Pubtime:15.12.2023 【Font size : Big Mid Small

On December 13, CCI held a full process application drill and summary meeting of ERP system in Shenshan Intelligent Manufacturing Base. The purpose of this meeting is to demonstrate the whole process application drill of M project in ERP system, test the proficiency of each department in ERP system operation, the depth of understanding of business process and the efficiency of inter-department cooperation, and lay the foundation for the deep integration of ERP system and actual business in the future. Company information management department, Shenshan factory all management personnel attended the meeting.


The meeting adopted an innovative interactive form, and 9 business representatives from the marketing, technology, manufacturing, procurement management, material storage and transportation, quality, and financial capital departments practiced and explained in turn according to the complete process of production and operation. The contents include ERP system operation, data display, business process explanation, important nodes of department cooperation, etc., each business representative is fully prepared before the meeting, and gives an excellent performance at the meeting. The participating judges will comprehensively score the drill effect of all business representatives, and select the top three business representatives with excellent performance and give them awards.

The main person in charge of the Information Management Department and Shenshan plant fully discussed and reached a consensus on the whole process application of ERP system at the meeting: First, each business line of the plant needs to change the extensive management concept of the construction industry in the past, clarify their own scope of responsibility, and strengthen the cooperation efficiency with each business; The second is to take ERP system as a system tool that all employees must master, and give full play to the value of process informatization, so as to improve work standards and efficiency; The third is to take the accurate cost accounting as the closed-loop management goal of ERP system to provide a detailed account for the production and operation of the factory; Fourth, all staff should take the application of the whole process of the M project as a demonstration to lay a solid foundation for all subsequent projects to be fully launched in the system.

The full name of ERP system Enterprise Resource Planning (enterprise resource Planning) was officially launched in Shenshan Plant in August this year, and the system functions can realize the information management of the whole process of production and operation such as factory procurement, sales, design, technology, production, storage, quality and finance. It is an essential tool for plant resource management and business process standardization.