You Guohui, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Security Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd., and his delegation visited China Construction Integration for inspection and exchange
Pubtime:11.05.2024 【Font size : Big Mid Small

Recently, You Guohui, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Security Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd., and his delegation went to China Construction Integrated Shenshan Modular Building Smart Factory for investigation, and the two sides conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on deepening cooperation.


You Guohui and his entourage walked into the production workshop of CSCEC Shenshan Modular Building Intelligent Factory, observed the flexible production line of modular building with the highest degree of automation in China and the model display area of simple public housing, and gained an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of modular intelligent construction, green construction, integrated construction and rapid construction, focusing on the indoor layout and intelligent facilities and equipment of the model room, and fully affirmed the advanced manufacturing concept, systematic management thinking and intelligent production equipment technology of CSCEC.

After listening to the introduction of China State Construction Integration Co., Ltd. on the recent business results of scientific and technological innovation, building "good houses" with new technology systems, and building high-quality simple public housing, Yau Guohui said that the Hong Kong SAR government has been actively exploring and introducing new construction technologies. In recent years, CSCEC has made continuous progress in building industrialization, MIC intelligent construction technology and product system innovation, and has made important contributions to urban infrastructure construction, social and people's livelihood improvement, smart city construction and other fields.

The relevant persons in charge of Hong Kong Security Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd., the relevant persons in charge of China Construction Integration Shenzhen Branch and Shenshan Modular Building Intelligent Factory participated in the research and discussion.